
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Burnt Out

So I think that after NaNoWriMo, I'm burnt out from writing so much. I love to write but the WIP I'm currently working on is coming along at a snails pace, if that. I need a good kick in the pants to get going. I've written about 30 words in the past week. Maybe the fact that I'm working slowly is a good thing but I loved the fact that I had a novel done in the month of November. Now I want to have the same ambition.

Also, I'm a vegan and I've been trying to eat a more raw diet and get regular exercise. So that takes up much of my time too. But I feel the best I have in many months and it's great.

I think tomorrow morning I'll start by finding some new music to help push me along in my current WIP. Another thing I should also do is READ! Haven't done that in a while.

Anyway, hope all is well! Happy writing!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Deleting Chapter 1

Okay, I've deleted chapter 1 because I'm heading in a different direction with my novel now and making a lot of changes.

The weather here is crazy. It's snowing like mad. I had to drive 25 mph most of the way home.

I've been really busy with school lately too and I'm so glad this semester is done with next Tuesday. Woohoo! I need to celebrate. :)

Hope everyone is having a great week and, as always, happy writing!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

First Chapter

I put my first chapter in for everyone to read. There's still much work left to be done on it, so it's kind of rough. Let me know what you think and be honest. I'm not afraid of constructive criticism! :)

My head feels so much better today too. Now hopefully I won't slip and fall again. It's terribly icy outside. Yikes!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I'm so proud that I am a NaNoWriMo winner! This was my first year doing NaNoWriMo but will definitely not be my last. Hope it went well for everyone else.

Now comes the enormous task of editing my novel. I have to say that I love editing though. That's when I know just how I want my novel to be. Yay!

On a more personal, somewhat serious, somewhat funny note: The weather has been cold here and it was pretty icy today. I fell and cracked my crown on the ice! And hard too! Ouch! My head was hurting for hours. Thankfully, no one was watching. :) Winter is not fun sometimes.

Let me know if you won NaNo or how your writing is coming along.

Happy writing!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Super Busy

Hello again everyone! How are you?

I feel like I've been neglecting you all but I've been so busy with school, life, and of course NaNoWriMo.

Speaking of NaNoWriMo; I was speeding along so that I thought I'd be done on the 21st or the 22nd but I've lost steam. I'm at around 43,100 and it's getting harder each day to produce even 1,000 words. But I'm still determined to do it! As long as I don't let myself fall behind, I'll be fine. :)

How is everyone else doing that's participating in NaNo? Are your word counts where they should be, are you behind, or maybe your novel's already done?

I just recently discovered an amazing artist who's inspired my writing even more, Imogen Heap. I don't know where I've been, I know she's been around for a while. Anyway, if you haven't heard her music I encourage you to listen to it.

The first week of December I will try to have my first chapter of my NaNo novel, Old World Underground, posted for everyone to read. I really would love some feedback.

Also, I've started a new WIP; working title "Color the Wind."

Have a wonderful day and happy writing! <3

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

NaNoWriMo progress and playlist

Hey all!
My NaNo novel is coming along great so far. My characters have taken me in a slightly different direction than originally planned but I'm confident its the right one. Currently I'm nearing 35k and hope to be closer to 40k by the end of today. We'll see how that goes. ;)
Anyway, I've noticed others posting playlists to go along with their novels and I thought it was a great idea since music inspires my writing.
So here's my list for Old World Underground:

Band of Horses-"No One's Gonna Love You"
Jack Johnson-"Flake"
Christina Perri-"Backwards"
Jack Johnson-"You and Your Heart"
Metric-"Ending Start"
The Black Keys-"Have Love Will Travel"
Paramore-"Stop This Song (Lovesick Melody)"
Broken Bells-"October"

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 7

Hello everyone! How are you doing?

I just wanted to update everyone on my NaNoWriMo progress. So far, I think I'm doing great. I'm ahead of my goal anyway. I'm closing up on 14,000 words and plan to have at least 15,000 by the end of the day.

I've always been the type of writer who'll go back on her work every few minutes to edit and re-edit. So this experience has been really good for me. I've turned off my inner-editor and just let my story flow from my fingertips. I'm finding it to be freeing, actually.

I hope everyone else is making their goals and enjoying their writing. Good luck to you all!

I'll update everyone on my progress in another week.

Happy writing! :)

Monday, October 31, 2011


I hope everyone will be joining in on this craziness. It's going to be a blast! I'm  trying for 2000 on the first day. Ambitious, I know. :)


This is my very first post. Hopefully there will be many more.

I've been writing for roughly two years now. So far, the journey has been amazing. I have a new WIP, The Underground, for NaNoWriMo and think it's the best idea I've had to date. I can't wait to get going tomorrow!

I've always loved creating new worlds, people, places, and things. My imagination has always kept me busy and my characters never leave me alone. I always hear them in my head! No, I'm not crazy! :)

As I work on my new novel, I'll post some chapters for everyone to read and maybe even get some feedback.