Hello again everyone! How are you?
I feel like I've been neglecting you all but I've been so busy with school, life, and of course NaNoWriMo.
Speaking of NaNoWriMo; I was speeding along so that I thought I'd be done on the 21st or the 22nd but I've lost steam. I'm at around 43,100 and it's getting harder each day to produce even 1,000 words. But I'm still determined to do it! As long as I don't let myself fall behind, I'll be fine. :)
How is everyone else doing that's participating in NaNo? Are your word counts where they should be, are you behind, or maybe your novel's already done?
I just recently discovered an amazing artist who's inspired my writing even more, Imogen Heap. I don't know where I've been, I know she's been around for a while. Anyway, if you haven't heard her music I encourage you to listen to it.
The first week of December I will try to have my first chapter of my NaNo novel, Old World Underground, posted for everyone to read. I really would love some feedback.
Also, I've started a new WIP; working title "Color the Wind."
Have a wonderful day and happy writing! <3
Hope you finished your novel for NaNoWriMo. I finished a few days early. All of a sudden the novel took over and write itself. I look forward to reading your first chapter when you post it. Until then-keep writing.